We plant, you plant

'We plant, you plant' is our first sustainability campaign, with the aim of offsetting our carbon footprint and raising awareness of the growing climate crisis.


We have partnered with Sustainable Global Gardens to plant trees in East Africa for every product purchased through pithsupply.com. Our orders also include a packet of Desk Meadow Seeds, adding a little greenery to your environment and a small daily reminder to care for our planet.

Sustainable Global Gardens has been promoting tree-planting in East Africa for several years. Nearly all the trees planted so far have been planted on small-scale farms and have been directly useful to the farmer, such as fruits [e.g. mango, avocado, pawpaw, bananas, citrus fruits] or multi-purpose species [e.g. Grevillea Robusta, Azadirachta Indica, Markhamia Lutea, Moringa Oleifera].

The advantage of this is that you can reduce your carbon footprint while African farmers gain the various environmental & economic benefits of trees planted on their land. Also, we all benefit from reduced carbon in the atmosphere and less extreme climate change.


Tropical tree planting to reduce atmospheric carbon

SGG has noticed that farming communities in East Africa are increasingly concerned about climate change and its damaging effects on their farm production. Thus, we encourage farmers to modify their traditional farming methods so that they are better adapted to climate change by practising agroforestry, micro-irrigation and horticultural techniques.

It is difficult to accurately measure the impact of individual tree growth on global reduction of atmospheric carbon, so we will use an average figure to calculate how many trees need to be planted to 'offset' an individuals carbon footprint. What we do know is that growing trees absorb carbon and will make a difference to Earth's climate.

Carbon offsetting is not a licence to continue pouring carbon into the atmosphere, there is still a huge amount of work to be done to reduce climate change, however, we hope our partnership with SGG will help raise awareness and contribute to making our operation carbon positive.

We plant, you plant is just the beginning of our environmental journey. We have many more ideas for how we can have a positive impact on our planet. At this stage we are by no means perfect, we have only just begun our journey but our promise to our community is to always seek ways to positively impact our environment and avoid damage as much as possible.

If you would like to partner with us on a future project please contact liam@pithsupply.com

Learn more about Sustainable Global Gardens


Creative Commission with Çağlayan Aktuğ


Road-testing the Oroblanco.